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Bottoms Up and Over The Wire

A Broadcast of the November Coalition

December 10, 2007 - Episode 1; 18.5 minutes

Available soon on ITunes and YouTube!

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Bottom's Up and Over the Wire is a broadcast available on the internet to individuals, and to community radio programmers. It's also available at iTunes -- thank you for spreading the word.

This episode is our first, and features November Coalition member's stories, poetry and some homegrown social justice music produced by friends of November. In this mix of prose and music, listeners will hear a discussion of crack cocaine sentencing law changes and excerpts, and Nora Callahan and Chuck Armsbury's opinion of a new study that calls for deincarceration.

We are exploring the rapidly changing, albeit minor corrections in the crack cocaine disparity, and await the United States Sentencing Commission's decision on retroactivity. One good news article on it is at the Connecticut Post. November Coalition's crack cocaine issue pages, and FAMM are other websites to study and bookmark for future reference.

Richard Paey and Tyrone Brown's stories are featured from the present to the past.

To download and study, print and send to an imprisoned person, or use in your community group or friendship circle, Unlocking America (pdf) is an innovative November 2007 report that recommends a sentencing return to the time before the 'lock 'em up' craze of the past 30 years began. A hearty 'Amen' to that!

Music this broadcast is I'll Say Yes from the album Stop Snitchin' 2, featuring TraZ, Travis and RES.Visit their MySpace page for information about the group, CD availability and upcoming gigs.

This holiday season and through the winter of 2008, you can participate in Calls From Home, don't miss it!

A special thank you to volunteer reader Dave, and for Chuck Armsbury's help with News and Notions, and last, but never least, Tom Murlowski for technical assistance while I learned how to host and produce a podcast.

--Nora Callahan, host of Bottom's Up and Over the Wire, a broadcast of the November Coalition - Thanks for listening!

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