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Editor's Notes

By Chuck Armsbury, November Coalition

I've heard from several prisoners in the last few months asking for help getting their books published. As this Razor Wire goes to press, our staff hasn't concluded how to respond fairly to incarcerated writers with very different needs.

For already-published writers like Seth Ferranti, we'll include a thorough review of his Gorilla Convict Publication "Prison Stories" in next fall's Razor Wire. Three other incarcerated writers contacted our office recently, but each needs help getting first drafts ready for a publisher to see.

Since we handle a lot of daily correspondence from prisoners, some of it printed in this issue, we're experienced with how much time, thought and editing go into preparing rough writing for final posting on our website or in the hard-copy Razor Wire.

Therefore, we can't promise at this time to get anyone's book published. As with requests for legal help that we can't provide, requests to take manuscripts and edit for publication is more work than our small staff can handle at this time, but we're exploring ways to do our part publishing your writing.

Chuck Armsbury, Senior Editor

282 West Astor · Colville, WA 99114
Voice & Fax: (509) 684-1550 ·

Staff: Chuck Armsbury, Nora Callahan,
Tom Murlowski
Board of Directors: Teresa Aviles, Aaron Dixon, Nora Callahan, Doug Hockin, Rachel Morton

The Razor Wire is a supplemental communication to imprisoned members of the November Coalition. Published at least once a year, (we're shooting for 3 in 2005) we notify members of special projects and progress, maintaining a daily updated website at Join thousands that visit us online for up-to- the-minute drug war reports and instructions on how they can help end the failed war on drugs. Support people working to end drug war injustice with a donation and membership in November Coalition today. Annual dues are $30 for "Free citizens"; $15 students and $6 a year for prisoners. Prisoners can pay their dues with postage stamps.

How to communicate with us

· Letters: We receive lots of mail. Rest assured that we read every one of them, but we simply don't have the time or staff to actually respond to more than a few.

· Legal cases: We cannot offer you legal representation or advice. Please do not send us your legal work unless specifically requested.

· Prisoner profiles (The WALL): Please continue to submit your stories, but if at all possible, send us a picture along, preferably of a prison visit with your loved ones. Stories should be concise, factual, and include personal background such as age, family status etc. Although The November Coalition staff endeavors to verify the accuracy of WALL stories, written by the prisoners themselves, we assume no responsibility for their content. Credentialed media can be provided with documentation and family contacts if they wish to research a story. To do so, please contact

· Articles for Razor Wire & Internet: Editorials should be no more than 800 words; articles no more than 1,200 words. Submitted items should be typed & double spaced, or neatly printed by hand if you don't have access to a typewriter. Please limit the use of bold, italics, underline, or other special formatting.

· Artwork: We need your cartoons and sketches, please! Let your creativity and imagination run wild.

· Donations: We will gladly accept postage stamps from prisoners and others, as well as monetary donations.

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