Other Grassroots Groups You Should Know AboutAll of Us Or None -- a national organizing initiative of prisoners, former prisoners and felons, to combat the many forms of discrimination that we face as the result of felony convictions. Address and phone: All of Us Or None , c/o Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, 1540 Market St. Ste. 490, San Francisco, CA 94310, Ph: 415-255-7036, Website: www.allofusornone.org/about.html Critical Resistance -- seeks to build an international movement to end the Prison Industrial Complex, challenging the belief that caging and controlling people makes us safe. We believe that necessities such as food, shelter, and freedom are what really make our communities secure. Our work is part of global struggles against inequality and powerlessness. Critical Resistance, 1904 Franklin St., Ste 504, Oakland, CA 94612. Ph: 510-444-0484 Email: crnational@criticalresistance.org. Website: www.criticalresistance.org The Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter -- published monthly by the Prison Project of Santa Fe, Inc., PO Box 1911, Santa Fe NM 87504-1911. Free newsletter to prisoners, their family members, and ex-prisoners. Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition -- founded in 1999, CCJRC is a network of organizations, faith communities and individuals working to reverse the trend of mass incarceration in Colorado. Threatened by prison construction plans of Cornell Corrections, Inc., Concerned Citizens of Lamar (CO) in November 2005 united in majority approval at the ballot box after a two-year effort to "require voter approval before the City can negotiate a contract to provide utility services to any private prison company," effectively ending Cornell's planning. Contact: CCJRC, 1212 Mariposa St., #4, Denver, CO 80204, Ph: 303-825--0122, Website: www.CCJRC.org Prisoner's Reform Organizational Partnership -- Editor Marc T. Ching is a Korean/Japanese prisoner who has constructed a website that offers incarcerated people a place to be heard. PROP accepts all contributions: poetry, personal stories, essays, poems, letters from family, short stories and artwork. Write or send contributions to: PROP, PO Box 283047, Honolulu, HI 96828, Website: www.prisonersreform.org Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants, New York Chapter -- CURE-NY's newsletter for Spring 2006 includes articles on 'merit time,' interstate calls from prisons, does prison increase crime, dismantling parole and "23 steps of a NYS Reentry Plan." Write for information or to join: CURE-NY, PO Box 102, Katonah, NY 10536, Website: www.bestweb.net/-cureny Access Press -- Minnesota's disability community newspaper featured a page-one story of Richard Paey, nationally known pain patient & prisoner, and subject for a 2006 60 Minutes story. Subscribe or contact: Access Press, 1821 University Ave West, Suite 104S, St. Paul, MN 55104, Ph: 651-644-2133, Website: www.accesspress.org Post-Conviction Services for Federal pro se Litigants --Barry Ward is a formerly incarcerated person and Certified Paralegal with more than 10 years experience in research and drafting motions, petitions and appeals for federal prisoners. "I spent more than 15 years in federal prison as a first time, non-violent drug offender, and I spent my time in the law library, where I learned my craft and co-authored and instructed the paralegal apprenticeship program currently offered at FCI Seagoville, Texas". Email: bdward@twentytwofiftyfive.com Website: www.twentytwofiftyfive.com California Coalition for Women Prisoners -- publishes quarterly newsletter The Fire Inside. CCWP is a grassroots racial justice organization that challenges the institutional violence imposed on women and communities of color by prisons and the criminal justice system. CCWP shares the same address as All Of Us Or None, above. Lifers Union Advocacy Group -- publishes a 36-page bulletin whose goal is to "provide updates on laws and case-law regarding the death penalty; civil commitment; life or indefinite sentencing schemes; recidivist schemes, and; studies, reviews and other information." To subscribe, write: Lifers Union Advocacy Group, PO Box 88537, Steilacoom, WA 98388, Website: www.lifersunion.com, Email: deniseashley@lifersunion.com Grapevine -- a newsletter of the Pennsylvania Lifers Support Group, recognized as a public supported and charitable organization enrolled by tax codes of IRS. Advocating for a second chance for lifers, Grapevine is a "publication for prisoners, specifically lifers, and their families, volunteers and people who care." For information on subscription rates and other matters, write: Grapevine, Pennsylvania Lifers Support Group, PO Box 256, Wellsboro, PA 16901, Phone: (570) 376-2489 or (570) 376-2517. Email: bbh5049@msn.com, Website: www.prisoners.com/dallashome.html National HIRE Network -- Its mission is to increase the number and quality of job opportunities available to people with criminal records by improving public policies, practices, and opinion. With a large and growing national membership, HIRE publishes practical information related to workforce development and criminal justice policy. Resources/Assistance feature of website includes state by state list of government and community based groups that help provide job related and legal services. Currently, membership is FREE. Contact: National HIRE Network, Legal Action Center, 225 Varick Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10014. Phone (212) 243-1313, Website: www.hirenetwork.org |