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 Conferences, Events

and Meetings


March 23-27, 1997, Paris, France; Eighth International Conference on the Reduction of Drug-Related Harm, at the Maison de la Mutualite, Paris. Contact: HIT Conferences, Cavern Walks, 8 Mathew Street, Liverpool L2 6RE, UK, 44-151-227-4423 (voice), 44-151-227-4023 (fax).

April 13-16, 1997, Chicago, IL; AMTA Methadone Conference, "Brave Leadership in Challenging Times", to be held at the Sheraton Hotel and Towers. For info, contact: American Methadone Treatment Association (AMTA), 875 Kings Highway, Suite 200, Woodbury, NJ 08096-3172, (609) 845-1270. Methadone advocates, especially patients, should inquire about "working scholarships".

April 21-23, 1997, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Conference on Cities and Addiction; for info, call 31-0-24-323-44-71.

April 24-26, 1997, North American Syringe Exchange Convention VII, sponsored by the North American Syringe Exchange Network (NASEN), 535 Dock St., Suite 112, Tacoma, WA 98402, (voice), (206) 272-8415 (fax), Location to be determined.

May 3, 1997, The annual Cures not Wars March to Stop the Drug War, New York City. Events will begin at 11am on Saturday, May 3rd with a demonstration to stop the lies about marijuana outside the headquarters of the Partnership for a Drug-Free America (the Chrysler Building on Lexington Avenue between 42nd and 43rd). The demonstration will be followed by a march (or a parade, depending on whether you wear a costume, play drums, or ride a float) down Fifth Avenue. Music and speakers will begin in Washington Square Park at 1 pm.

May 10-14, 1997, Canton, MS; National Convocation of Jail and Prison Ministry annual conference Weaving a New Vision of Hope, Thread by Thread, Color by Color, Design by Design. For info, call NCJPM at (202) 547-1715.

May 17th - Crossville Tennessee, Smoke On The Mountain HEMPFEST!

May 24-29, 1997, Cairo, Egypt, ICAA/CIPAT 41st Int'l Institute; for info, e-mail

June 1-5, 1997, Oslo, Norway; Europe Against Drug Abuse; for info, call 47-22-11-21-90

July 18-20, 1997 World Hemp Expo, in Oregon - sponsered by High Times. (If anyone knows any details on this event - please send an email!

August 20-24, Seattle Washington Hempfest 1997. A 3 day Hemposium, presenting the best and the brightest speakers, activists, medical authorities, legal scholars, organizers, manufacturers and writers gathered in one location. Seattle HempFest, the festival that started it all, which, pending the legal permit process, is scheduled to occur on August 24, 1997, Myrtle
Edwards Park, Seattle.

Sept 10th - ?, Annual Mass Cann/NORML Freedom Rally will be held at the Historic Boston Common starting at High Noon over 50,000 people have attended each of the last two Freedom Rallys. More info can be had at:

One Homestead Road
Marblehead, MA, 01945-1122

September 17-20, 1997, Slovenia 3rd Annual Methadone Conference; for info, e-mail

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