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A Government, for the People and by the People?

Think Again!

By Mauricio Rueben, Prisoner of War in America

As the drug war tumbles out of control, it expands its tentacles and claims more lives. I was reading the USA Today when I ran across an article written by Steven Findlay. I couldn't believe what the paper said the Drug Enforcement Agency is attempting to do.

Under the guise of "Narcotics laws" the D.E.A. is about to unleash and apply the arsenal of laws hidden within the war on drugs machine.

On whom this time?

Oregon physicians.

Oregon's voters reaffirmed their desire to uphold the "Death with Dignity Act." The act was passed in 1994 but only went into effect after an initiative to repeal the act was rejected by voters last November. And get this: by a margin of 60% to 40%. The D.E.A. in their own words say that they don't care what the voters in Oregon want. It's only what the D.E.A. wants that counts.

For now, some are saying that if the Drug Enforcement Agency interferes, they will fight. I feel sorry for the brave individuals considering taking on the D.E.A. with its present powers. Once they get their teeth into someone, they will stop at nothing to get a conviction.

The losers are those that are suffering in deathbeds. The guillotine that will be hanging over these doctor's heads will cause them to be hesitant about rendering their services.

The voters loose even in victory. The bottom line is this: even a majority vote is not good enough and we can blame the war on drugs again.

Yesterday it was us, the non-violent drug offenders. Today, it is Oregon doctors. Tomorrow it could be the voters for voting for drug law reform.

When will it all stop?

Is it too late?

We are losing our hold on America, Americans. A once sovereign nation is rapidly becoming a dictatorship instead of a democracy.  

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