A Letter from David Correa, POWDear Nora:As always, it is good to talk to you on the phone. And as you requested...I am going to give it a shot and try to tell the rest of the political prisoners to get busy writing letters. I hope that by now you have received the article from Media Bypass were there is another letter of mine printed and here we go: The war on drugs is a failed policy. Prisoners and their loved ones who read the Razor Wire all know it, but how about the public? Do they know? Some do, but the majority of the people in America do not know it quite yet, and it is up to our families and friends and ourselves to teach then the truth of the war on drugs. You may wonder what can you do from behind the walls and razor-sharp fences of our nation's Penitentiaries. Write every one you can and tell them what you see. Tell them what you experience in these prisons. Tell them how you feel when your family is broken up and you can't see your love ones. Write national papers and magazines and those up on Capitol Hill because sooner or later you will be heard! Studies indicate that our letters get read, especially those letters written to the editors of major newspapers. When one of your letters does get published, or an article you write, it will help to educate those who do not know what really is going on in this war. It will help them see that you and not a monster or a number that can be erased from the face of the earth. Slip in a photograph of you and your loved ones. A letter or article that you write and send out has not only the potential to educate hundreds of thousands of readers, but it can create a snowball effect in other people writing and telling their stories and creating national awareness of today's failed policy. That one article can result in increased news media coverage too. I am not a writer, but that has not stopped me. I try to tell the whole world and so far my letters and articles have been published in major magazines, newsletters, national papers and some have even been read over the radio. The handful of prisoners of the drug war that are pounding out letters cannot do it alone, we need your help. When you write your letters try to keep them 250 words or less and to the point. An article should be 800 words or less. So, lets get to those typewriters and start sending those letters out because sooner or later you will touch someone and that may be the straw that breaks the back of the drug war. Stay strong my brothers and sisters and remember that the pen is mightier than the sword and that tyranny and oppression can not last. We will be heard and the truth shall be known. In Struggle, David Correa |