Legislative Bills

H.R. 484 - Save Our Children Act of 1999. A bill to direct the United States Sentencing Commission to provide penalty enhancements for drug offenses committed in the presence of children.

H.R. 906 - Civic Participation and Rehabilitation Act of 1999. A bill to secure the Federal voting rights of persons who have been released from incarceration.

H.R. 1642 - Parental Consent Drug Testing and Counseling Act. A bill to require local educational agencies to develop and implement a random drug testing and counseling program for students in grades 9 through 12.

H.R. 1658 - Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act. A bill to provide a more just and uniform procedure for Federal civil forfeitures, and for other purposes.

H.R. 1681 - Major Drug Trafficking Prosecution Act of 1999. A bill to concentrate Federal resources aimed at the prosecution of drug offenses on those offenses that are major.

H.R. 1735 - Empowering Parents to Fight Drugs Act of 1999. A bill to establish a grant program to enable local educational agencies to develop and implement a random drug testing program for students in grades 7 - 12.

H.R. 2037 - A bill to combat youth violence and to protect children from violent crime.

S. 9 - Safe Schools, Safe Streets, and Secure Borders Act of 1999, Etc. A bill to combat violent and gang-related crime in schools and on the streets, to reform the juvenile justice system, target international crime, promote effective drug and other crime prevention programs, assist crime victims, and for other purposes.

S. 254 - Violent and Repeat Juvenile Offender Accountability and Rehabilitation Act of 1999. A bill to reduce violent juvenile crime, promote accountability by rehabilitation of juvenile criminals, punish and deter violent gang crime, and for other purposes.

S. 295 - A bill to . . . permit the use of certain amounts for assistance to jail-based substance treatment programs, and for other purposes.

S. 899 - Federal Incarceration Improvement Act, Etc. A bill to reduce crime and protect the public in the 21st Century by strengthening Federal assistance to State and local law enforcement, combating illegal drugs and preventing drug use, attacking the criminal use of guns, promoting accountability and rehabilitation of juvenile criminals, protecting the rights of victims in the criminal justice system, and improving criminal justice rules and procedures, and for other purposes.