Together we can do so much
By Kevin Zeese, President of Common Sense for
Drug Policy
Copies of the enclosed picture came across my desk just as
the last century was ending. It came at a time of reflection,
when I was reading books on other social justice movements for
the rights of blacks, women and gays. It also came when the media
was discussing the last century.
Looking at this photograph of the Alliance of Reform Organizations
with Governor Gary Johnson reminded me of Helen Keller's comment:
"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."
We face an important and difficult challenge: getting America
to recognize the importance of developing a drug policy that
does not rely on force but is consistent with individual rights,
limited government, public health and personal responsibility.
Other social justice movements illustrate the slow pace of
change is often disheartening for those in the midst of it. Only
when change is looked at in a historical context does it seem
like the march toward justice was inevitable and rapid. Perhaps
the Internet and other forms of modern communication will speed
change. When you have a vision of a world where people are treated
as equals, where drug use does not exclude a person from the
social contract, and where people are given the basic dignity
all deserve, it is hard to accept another day of prohibition,
discrimination and abuses caused by the present approach.
The death of Rufus King during this time added to my reflection.
Rufus was the old war horse of reform. He wanted reform now.
Often the frustration he exhibited with the pace of reform was
something I imagine abolitionists felt in the 1840s when, after
decades of abolitionist agitation, the Fugitive Slave Act became
law allowing the return of slaves with virtually no due process
and no court review. I do not want to end my career with the
drug war still flourishing. I hope you will join me in committing
to an increased effort to repeal drug prohibition early in the
21st Century.
In reviewing the 20th Century, Anthony Lewis wrote in The
New York Times that "The great enemy of reason in this century
has been political utopianism." Attempts at achieving utopia
have meant sacrificing individuality to fit the utopian view
of whoever was in power. He noted how the advances of the last
1,000 years have been in science because it relies on the scientific
method where theories need to be proved, facts understood and
progress built on those lessons. Unfortunately that approach
is rarely applied to public policy.
The parallels to drug prohibition are evident. Prohibition
is a utopian policy - the stated goal of a drug free society
has never been achieved, and if it were achieved it would not
be the utopia prohibitionists imagine. Rather than adopting a
scientific method, we seem to have adopted an antiscientific
method. Drug prohibition enforced by drug war is aggressively
pursued. When it fails, rather than considering that drug prohibition
may be unworkable, our society puts more money into the drug
war, grants more power to the police and undermines public health
and safety.
In the end, people will face up to the failure and damage
of current policy and change will come. History shows reason
is persistent. It challenges myths, discourages the dark, negative
impulses humans harbor within them. We need to keep putting forth
facts and reason to challenge the myths and fear on which advocates
of prohibition base their campaign.
The last century was freedom vs. totalitarianism. Freedom
seems to have won the century, but totalitarianism had its costs
- more than 100 million people were killed in the name of ideology
(and battles around this conflict continue). Franklin Roosevelt,
a key player in this conflict, ended alcohol prohibition as one
of his first acts as President. However, even countries at freedom's
forefront have blood on their hands over the century and continue
to have institutionalized inequities. The war on drugs fits this
history and remains one of the unfinished battles of the conflict
between freedom and totalitarianism - how basic a freedom is
being denied when people are told what they can put in their
body and for what effect on their consciousness.
Early in my reform career the Reagan era dawned and intolerance
for people who used drugs increased, harsh laws were passed on
the premise that intimidation by government power would result
in submission to force. But the poet line "Do not go silently
into that dark night" seemed to be the theme of a small
band of reformers. We supported people incarcerated, medical
marijuana patients when they said no and were prosecuted, AIDS
prevention activists who ignored laws that allowed the spread
of deadly epidemics and joined others from various walks of life
who publicly said: Prohibition cannot work and makes matters
worse. People said no - they would not go into that dark night
- they would not succumb to the negative impulses of the human
psyche enshrined in harsh drug war laws, they would do what was
right regardless of government intimidation.
In those early years of the revitalized Reagan drug war, reformers
were a very small group. Slowly a national network of reformers,
of people who care about this issue developed. Now there are
many capable people who improve each other's work and give great
hope that reform can be achieved. My overarching goal of the
next year is to find ways for us to work together more closely
and effectively.
I am sure you can add to this list, but the things that I
think are needed for us to succeed are:
· ardent confidence in the need to end drug prohibition;
· education of our fellow beings with the facts that debunk
the prohibitionist myths; · agitation to highlight the
unfairness and injustice of current policy; · organization
so that we get the most out of every opportunity and our limited
resources · making room at the reform table for new reformers
even if it means our role is diminished; · supporting
our political friends and showing our foes that standing for
unjust, unworkable policies has a political cost; and ·
as Winston Churchill said a commitment to "never give up,
never, never give up."