National Vigils in 20 cities highlight injustices of the drug war

Citizens calling on Clinton to grant clemency to nonviolent drug war prisoners in the federal corrections system

The November Coalition organized nationwide drug war vigils on September 29th to highlight the conclusion of the Texas Journey for Justice, address the deafening silence of major political candidates on the issue of drug war imprisonment and gather Jubilee Justice Campaign 2000 signatures.

According to the Justice Policy Institute in their recent study, Texas Tough? An Analysis of Incarceration and Crime Trends in The Lone Star State, the Texas prison system grew faster than any other prison system in the country during the 1990s, adding nearly one out of every five prisoners to the nation's prison boom.

"Why the silence on such a compelling economic and social issue?" Nora Callahan, executive director of the November Coalition asks, "Could it be because the Democrats and Republicans have given the American people the choice of a 'toker' or a 'coker' this presidential election? Well, all the more reason to break the silence. The hypocrisy has to stop, so do the extreme rates of imprisonment of nonviolent people."

Vigil Reports:

California Vigils

Texas Vigils and Journey for Justice in Texas

Colorado, Florida, Nevada, New York, Virginia

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