Why my school district may NOT drug-test
my child
By Alan Bean, parent of high-school student Amos Bean
of Tulia, Texas
1. Drug-testing
students violates the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution
which guarantees "due process of law".
2. Drug-testing students reverses the legal principle that we
are to be considered innocent until proven guilty. Drug testing
tells kids they are guilty until they prove their innocence by
peeing into a plastic cup.
3. Drug-testing students violates the Fourth Amendment which
guarantees that "the right of the people to be secure in
their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable
searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants
shall issue, but upon probable cause." A search for incriminating
evidence is "unreasonable" when there is no probable
cause. I defy anyone to tell me there is probable cause for drug-testing
my son or for sending a drug-sniffing dog to inspect his locker.
4. Drug-testing students violates the Fifth Amendment which states
that "no person . . . shall be compelled in any criminal
case to be a witness against himself." Not only are the
students of the Tulia Independent School District (TISD) assumed
guilty; they are asked to provide the evidence of their own guilt.
The Framers of the Constitution deprived the government of the
right to go on fishing expeditions by hauling people into court
and forcing them to answer random questions until some evidence
of a crime turns up. Drug testing students violates this principle
by allowing the government (and TISD is an arm of the government)
to go on a pharmacological fishing expedition.
5. Drug-testing students violates the atmosphere of trust that
is the foundation of good discipline. Urine tests are invasive,
embarrassing, humiliating and degrading. As such, they sever
the relationship of trust between educator and student. Kids
abusing drugs will talk to a teacher who cares enough to win
their trust. But street-smart adolescents regard a school-sanctioned
drug-test as both an insult to their integrity and a challenge
to their ingenuity. Drug testing sends the message: We won't
trust you until you prove yourself worthy of our trust. In actuality,
the onus is on the teacher and the administrator to earn the
trust of the student.
6. Since TISD claims to be functioning in loco parentis, that
is, in the capacity of a surrogate parent, they must treat my
son the way I would treat him if I were present. I trust Amos
and behave accordingly. I would never force my son to submit
to a degrading, humiliating, invasive drug test. If TISD does
not trust my son, and demonstrates this basic lack of trust by
forcing him to submit to a drug test, they have surrendered the
right to serve as his surrogate parent.
7. I am opposed to the drug-testing program instituted by TISD
because it turns educators into judges with the authority to
issue search warrants, police officers with the authority to
execute suspicionless searches, and medical professionals with
the power to conduct invasive medical procedures. If TISD requires
my written authorization before they can give my child a Tylenol
tablet, why is it assumed that they can test my child for drugs
with impunity?
8. I oppose drug-testing students because TISD uses the carrot
of athletics to make the stick of drug testing palatable. Permission
is thus coerced by threat and bribery, and is not voluntary in
any meaningful sense. We are telling our kids, "Look, abandon
your constitutional rights by submitting to this suspicionless
search, and we'll let you play football." If the athletic
program offered by TISD possesses no educational value, it is
a frivolous enterprise unworthy of our tax support. If the athletic
program at TISD does contribute to the education of our children,
it is a right and must therefore be made available to all without
9. I oppose the drug-testing program instituted by TISD because
it has not been administered in a random fashion. Thus, the constitutional
right to equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment is denied.
Students have been drug-tested as a form of reprisal for their
parent's political activities. Students with no involvement in
athletics have been tested. There is no mechanism in place to
ensure that all children are tested without regard to race, social
standing, or ethnicity; nor are there any records available to
demonstrate that all children have been tested on a truly random
10. I oppose the drug-testing program instituted by TISD because
it encourages unthinking submission and 'herd' behavior. We are
teaching conformity rather than building character. This unquestioning
submission to social pressure is at the root of every foolish,
self-destructive decision our children make.
11. I oppose drug-testing students because at-risk children,
who would benefit from the discipline and team spirit of athletics,
are encouraged to quit the team or switch from a tested drug
like marijuana to an untested drug like alcohol. If they quit
the team, drug use typically escalates. If they switch to a socially
approved drug, their dependency issues are not addressed.
12. Finally, I oppose drug-testing students because kids gutsy
enough to say "no" to a search that has been declared
unconstitutional in a federal court of law are penalized, stigmatized,
shunned and interrogated. We are teaching our children to be
craven, unprincipled conformists. Character is developed not
through bribery and coercion, but through patient trust and compelling
example. Therefore, I insist that TISD refrain from drug-testing
my child, Amos Bean, while allowing Amos full participation in
the athletic program offered by Tulia High School.